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Event Stewards

Event Stewards

Safety at your event is paramount for everyones safety, see how we can ensure that your event is as safe as can be for everyone involved from staff, visitors, acts and guests

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SIA Licensed Door Supervisors

SIA Licensed Door Supervisors

Do you have a need for Security staff who can work around alcohol or a licensed premises, then look no further! Our door supervisors are highly skilled and trained and are a proud addition to your businesses welcoming team.

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Security Control Room

Security / Event Operations Control Room Staff

Manned Security and Stewarding control room operators at your disposal. Managing the security and stewarding teams so you can focus on every other aspect of your event.

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Car Park Management

From car park patrols, to stewards when your guest arrive at your events, to installing a ticketting machine with parking enforcement officers. Everything car parks we can provide a solution

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Event Medics

Event Medics and First Aiders

Through our trusted partner we are able to provide you with expert and highly trained medical staff for any event

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E-Commerce Store

Our Online Store

We understand that finding clothing and equipment for the industry can be a daunting task! We've done the leg work for you and compiled a catalogue of tried and tested uniforms and equipment that will last!

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And much more...

At Frontline Security Services we pride ourselves in being your one stop shop for all things security and event safety. With a track record of providing exemplary services and staffing we can cover most requirements that you may have. Why not reach out to our friendly and professional team and see how we can help you!

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